Sunday 27 November 2011


Semalam hari paling emotional aku,
I pretend to be a strong and tough girl, 
But I can't.
I'm just a weak person

But become a very out-going person
I just ignored it and continue being myself 
I need to release it but I just can't 
No one will understand


I think I need a boyfriend
It take a time i guess :)
Like my friend said
"Maybe ko akn jumpa belove ko ms ko keje n straight kahwin"
Who knows right
It HIS power


Oh I miss Dongwoo !
And damn !
My lil sis started to like him.
It fucking make me burnt !
And I was like this

Fuck off you little annoying sister

And and and
this picture
look at the baby cheek !

I surely need to stop 

Bye ~


  1. why i think u stold my oppa pic ? :)
    sesungguhnya Dia maha mengetahui segalanya Hon ,
    Dia mengatur yang terbaik untuk hambanya :)
    peace yawwwww c(:

  2. hehehe
    dun be mad dear
    I just want to share how cute the baby is ^^

  3. how cute the baby or the guys ? haha . so k . he also cute and make me confiuse to choose the baby or that guy . ^^
